Survivor Stories

Here is where you can send your story about your experience related to meningitis. Send us your story to and we will review it and post it on this page. 

Some of the people here have suffered through meningitis without any after effects. Others still carry its scars. But they all survived and their stories may inspire others to endure or their families to hope.

Alexis' parents tell her story.
Hello, my name is Andrea Thickett. I'm here to tell you my story about having Meningococcal Meningitis.
I woke up in a start - hands strapped down, blurred vision, and unable to speak.  I looked up – it was the same fuzzy room I had been dreaming about overnight. Or maybe I hadn’t been dreaming at all…
On October 11, 2002 my 5 year old son Matthew fell ill.
Van's daughter, Vivien, tells her story.
It has been five years since I learned about meningitis....when we almost lost our then fourteen month old. I am writing this to help me deal with the grief I feel when I remember.
Sara was 18 years old at the time, she had started to feel extremely sick and felt like she was paralyzed.
I wanted to share my mothers harrowing battle and survival after contracting Bacterial Meningitis at the age of 79. On October 1 2023 life as we knew it changed in a blink of an eye. My mother was…