No. There is no danger to being vaccinated again. In fact, revaccination is recommended for persons traveling to countries where outbreaks are occurring. The recommended interval between vaccinations…
We do not know the time interval from acquiring the bacteria to developing meningitis. It is thought to be relatively short - 1-2 days after the bacteria infects the nose and throat. Most deaths from…
Prevnar is the brand name for the vaccine against a bacteria called pneumococcus. Pneumococcus is a major cause of meningitis and also caused other infections such as pneumonia. It is also the major…
Unfortunately not. In some cases, the GBS bacteria has move up the birth canal and invade the amniotic fluid before labor begins. The unborn fetus may become infected and already be severely ill when…
Protection has lasted 4-5 years in children vaccinated at 2 years of age or older. In infants vaccinated at less than two years of age, the protection is very high for one year, but then begins to…
It is very unusual to die from viral meningitis. It is usually an infection which makes one sick for 1-2 weeks, followed by complete recovery. Most deaths occur either in newborn infants or in…
The antibiotic most often used to prevent GBS infections of newborn babies is called ampicillin. Treatment of GBS carriers has been shown to be the most effective method of preventing severe disease…
It is not known why only a small proportion of people infected with a virus develop meningitis. For most of the viruses that cause meningitis, the proportion is actually as small a 1 in 100.
It depends what caused the meningitis. If the infection was caused by a bacteria called meningococcus then it is contagious from person to person by close, direct physical contact as occurs between…
All of the meningococcal vaccines are very safe.. Many million doses of the group C vaccine have been administered in England over the past 8 years without any serious side effects being noted. The…